When working on your web design you want to make sure your ecommerce business logo is a positive reflection of the work that has gone into building your site.
For some online stores there is a limited supply of financial resources from which to draw for a new logo or business graphic.
I recently stumbled across a service on the web that can provide free logos for use in any kind of application. You may wish to have a banner ad designed, a logo, a button or creative elements for a print campaign.
While I have no stock or personal interest in this company I do have an interest in web design and this service provides a unique tool in developing visual material for your site.
The team at logobogo.com developed the site following the success of a sister site called radiodaddy.com. The second site allows radio professionals to voice material for podcasts, online radio stations or even traditional AM/FM stations. This is also done at no cost.
I decided to give LogoBogo a try and posted my request. Within 24 hours I had three professional choices to look at from three different designers.
There are certain rules to follow when making your...