The internet is all about finding out information on a particular subject. There are many different types of website, some offer a service, some offer a product and some merely offer advice. In this article I write about this third type of site which I refer to as information portals.
I am not sure if you have ever heard of a program that the search engine Google run, which is called Google adsense. Basically people pay to appear on the front pages of results under certain keywords such as web hosting. Their advert then appears under the sponsored listing sections of the search results which can be above or to the right of the natural listings. This advertising program is called Google adwords and has proved to be very popular with advertisers who are attempting to attract more traffic to their site. This is also known as pay per click (ppc) and many of the other major search engines also run similar programs.
Google adsense is a bit different. This is where people who own a website allow Google to include these Google adword adverts on their site. When people who visit the site click on one of the ads, the website owner receives a percentage of the income...