Believe it or not, there are web designs that actually scare people away from the site and keep them from coming back. Doing this is something your web design company and you will have to avoid practically all the time. If you do not want your web design company and you to become tarnished or labeled as one of the “Worst web Designers of the net,” you need to watch out for this.
Web Design’s Scariest Backgrounds
Setting the background on your site is one of the things that you have the liberty of setting or changing. However, some backgrounds are simply ugly, difficult to read or just plain scary. Here are some sample backgrounds that I am talking about:
Pure black background with pale, light or white text. Unless you are a professional web designer who belongs to the best web design company in the world, try to avoid this type of background. It looks generally pretentious, not to mention how difficult it is to do well. Some browsers print background colour, and you definitely will not like angry customers complaining about how much ink it caused them to print the page.
Black with dark text. This is simply illegible and...