Once upon a time, if we need a contact number, our eyes went directly to the giant phone directories that lay around. Now, with the Internet taking over our lives, finding contact information is no trouble at all. With the proliferation of websites, we have seen the emergence of a new provider of information — the web directory. So, anytime you want to find the websites of a certain category that is of interest to you, look out for a good web directory.
Quite a few of these web directories allow you to place your links in them for free. If you want your website to be listed by a web directory — whether small or large – you will have to find out about the various types of links that can be placed. These types of links range from free submission links and reciprocal links to links that are paid submissions. There are also featured links which get a premium position in their categories. An addition to this is the featured homepage link which is listed on the web directory’s homepage. A recent development is the “Bid for Position” which allows you to bid so that you can determine the position of your site on the web directory.