Marketing Your Web Site.
You wouldn’t put a bill board in the desert, so why are you hiding your web site?
Too many companies spend too much money developing a really nice web site that no one will ever see. Before starting any web site design or re-design make sure you’ve allocated at least half of the budget to getting the site optimized in the search engines.
For those selling a service.
There are a few steps you need to take. The first step is to create meta-tags with a description of your site and keywords that are relevant to the content on your site. The keywords and content should stress the service you provide, why a potential customer should use your company for this service and how to contact you to buy this service. A meta tag generator will help you to create the properly formatted code for you web site based on keywords you select. These can be found on google or msn by searching with the keywords meta tag generator.
You’ll then need to submit the site to the major search engines like Google and MSN. For Yahoo! you have to pay a yearly fee of $299 to get listed. There are dozens of search engine...