1. Review your goals and markets for your site:
a) Are there clear business goals and desired outcomes behind your Web site, and for each major page or section? How will you evaluate your success?
b) Have you defined all the target audiences for the site, and the “languages” they speak? Do you have compelling benefit statements, testimonials, case studies?
c) Does your home page appeal to each of your target markets and audiences? Does it effectively direct them to appropriate areas of your site?
d) How compelling are the “calls to action” on each page?
2. How can you take your online business to the next level?
a) Is your site making the best use of available technologies? How will you stay on top of online developments in your field? Are all appropriate staff involved?
b) Does your content effectively position the expertise of your business? Are there media or public relations outlets that you could tap for wider promotion?
c) Are you taking full advantage of “real-world” opportunities to promote your site?
d) Does your business offer other services or customer support...