An important thing to remember every now and then is that people visit who visit your web site are searching for specific information. These Surfers can be unforgiving and are gone in a heartbeat if they do not immediately find what they are looking for. But once they found things useful for them in a site they would definitely visit every now and then.
The reason why site maps are indispensable is due to its helpfulness in letting the surfers understand the site program and plan and therefore, speed up the way to onset to what the site will be showcasing. This is a part of the website created where the edifice of a web site can be visible to a surfer or visitor. These visitors can choose the link to where they want to surf with just a touch of the mouse of keyboard.
Here are Significant key pointers of a good site map, which helps visitors at finding information faster on a web site:
The site map should be the simplest page on the web site.
Keep the name “Site Map” so those visitors won’t be having a hard time looking for it.
Always avoid “dynamic” site maps. Those in which the visitors have to find their way...