1. How long does the average visitor stay on your site? If your visitors are not staying long enough to take whatever action or accept the offer you are offering, then they arent staying long enough. This deserves immediate attention and testing.
2. What is your conversion rate? While the conversion rate depends on the industry, you should have goals in place where your conversion rate is increasing consistently. If not you need to take a serious look at why not.
3. When was the last time you checked your site for broken links? This is my pet peeve. I go to a great site and 10 of the links on the site dont work.
4. How long does it take for your site to load? Lets face it we live in a microwave generation, people want stuff right now.
5. How often is your content updated? We are all busy, true enough. But our customers and vistitors not to mention the search engines want to see fresh content consistently.
6. How many names are in your subscriber base? Is it increasing or decreasing? Set some goals and work like crazy to increase this number.
7. Do you keep up with the latest technology? What would we do without podcasting, RSS,...