This change has shifted the interface of web design services to a different level and the focus is now on redesigns.
Website redesigning is involves a slight distinction and considerations between mounting and developing new sites. Say for instance, those that have existing sites have more or less enough knowledge on what sites and site formulas work. They have already a grasp about what they consider as assets in their site’s form and function. Recognizing these assets can pretty well contribute to a more prosperous redesigned site.
Other businesses may take a few months to decide in favor of a redesign but mind you, planning a redesign can be as easy as 123! It’s unbelievable but it’s true. Here are the three basic redesign planning tips:
1. Problem Identification. As i have stated a while ago, more or less you have already formed an idea why your site is not doing that good in the World Wide Web. This is because of certain factors. These factors must be avoided in coming up with a redesign. Remember the maxim – learn form your mistakes. Well, this is basically the main idea behind problem identification. This is done to preclude...