The wedding reception is something that many people really look forward to after the wedding ceremony has taken place. Finding a great reception location is part of making it work well for you. Dont just rent a wedding hall without first evaluating it. Make sure it is going to accommodate everyone well for the event. You dont want people to be crowded as they wont be comfortable or enjoy the event.
You will need to decorate for the wedding reception in advance. Most of the time is done by the wedding party the night before the ceremony. It takes place in the evening after the rehearsal dinner and ceremony have taken place. You will want to use the colors of your wedding as the main part of decorating. This can include bows, ribbons, and various types of decorations.
The way you decorate the tables needs to be carefully looked at as well. Floral arrangements are often used as centerpieces. You dont want them to be very tall though or they can block the view of the dance floor and of the wedding party. You will also want to place various decorations and gifts on the table for your guests. These mementos are a great way to thank them for coming.
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