Weight Loss Dillemma: Depressed If You Do, Depressed If You

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Weight Loss Dillemma: Depressed If You Do, Depressed If You Don’t

There are many reasons why people become depressed, especially with all the pressures and demands of 21st century living. People get the blues when they get passed over for that promotion that they’ve been aiming for because management wanted someone younger and livelier. There’s that beautiful girl you’ve always wanted to have a relationship with, who turns out to be more interested in your sister than you. Not every situation that can make a person sad or melancholic can also cause depression, turning a person into the emotional health equivalent of a 50-car pile-up on a busy highway.

However, there are a few things you’d never expect to actually be the cause of a person feeling depressed. One example of this would be weight loss pills, some of which have recently been found to cause people to become depressed. In a world where weight and appearance are major concerns, to the point that some people become obsessed with achieving the perfect weight, medication that helps attain becomes so materially valuable, and expensive in terms of real dollars and cents....

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