So you want to lose weight because you hate that you look fat and can walk up a flight of stairs without breaking into a major sweat and losing your breath for 5 minutes. You think that weight loss is the ticket to reenergizing your long lost love life. But let me tell you about a few other things that might persuade you to lose that 24 pack for a reason other than vanity.
Let’s start by listing all of the other diseases that can be associated to obesity. Heart disease is probably the major one and shares associations with many of the others in the list. These include hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure, and sleep apnea. Other things not necessarily related to heart are colon cancer, fatty liver, gynecomastia, irregular menstruation, breast cancer, uterine cancer, depression, joint pain and destruction, and heart burn. With each of these diseases carries with them a host of other complications, many of them that are life threatening or seriously debilitating conditions This is all not to mention the social stigmatism that hinders life in all arenas including personal life and career.
The great thing about weight is that it is...