The demands of kids are getting more and more difficult to keep up with. Once upon a time the biggest thing on a twelve year-olds wish list was a new bicycle. Now kids want cell phones at younger and younger ages. How old is old enough to purchase the ever desired cell phone? How young is too young?
Cell phone shopping for younger children can be very difficult. Depending on the age of the child it is possible they have not developed enough self restraint to handle a cell phone. School work may suffer as may other social relationships.
Cell phones now come with internet access, which can present dangers unknown to your child. Easily downloadable information may not be age appropriate. Cell phones also offer children private communication abilities through text messaging.
It is not necessary to activate all of the possible features that come with a cell phone, but understanding your own childs limitations can help you know what is truly appropriate for them at their age. Private texting can lead to highly inappropriate conversations. Unlike instant messaging or phone conversations, texts can be deleted permanently and a parent has no recourse to determine...