Cholesterol is produced by the liver and is a fat-like waxy substance. Although cholesterol is usually thought of as a “bad thing”, the truth is that cholesterol is important to your overall health and helps body function. Every one of your cells within your body is supported by good cholesterol. When cholesterol gets old or if it goes bad then level becomes elevated, it can be dangerous. The “good” cholesterol helps to get the bad cholesterol back down to safe levels. Whenever the bad (LDL & VLDL) cholesterol level climbs higher it becomes a serious situation. Untreated it can contribute to severe health problems including stroke, kidney damage, diabetes mellitus, and heart disease. People with uncontrolled “bad” cholesterol are three times more likely to have a heart attack, they are six times more susceptible to develop congestive hear failure, people with high cholesterol will be seven times more likely to have an ischemic stroke. People with high cholesterol may need to take cholesterol blockers to lower their cholesterol.
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