Credit card rewards are bonuses that you receive as you use your card. In general, the more you use the card the more points or rewards you get from the company.
When you are shopping for a card that offers rewards one of the first things you need to decide is whether you want points or cash back. Points are usually redeemed for airline tickets, show tickets, and such. While points are a fine idea for some people, many others find that points are something of a hassle to keep track of.
Cash back or rebate programs are another type of credit card reward. Many people prefer this type of reward program because it is very easy to keep track of and to use. You do not have to worry about figuring out what the points are or how to redeem them when you choose the cash back reward. The cash back amount that you accrue per month is added to your account until you use it.
If you wish to use a point based reward program you should check on the restrictions that may apply. In some cases, you may not be able to use your airline rewards when you want to use them. There may be blackout dates or seating restrictions. You should also know about and understand any redemption...