Credit cards that charge no interest on your purchases or on your balance transfer for a certain period of time are said to be interest free credit cards. This interest free period is for a certain time and limit. This gives you the chance for more shopping around and spending without any tension of being levied any extra amount. Thus you can save a lot on these cards.
At times it is so that the interest you pay would depend entirely on how good or bad you fair in credit ranking. Your annual income and nature of past payments also matter a lot. If you have had a bad credit history then you might have to pay a higher interest as compared to those who have good credit ranking. Thus, by paying off your balance on time or even before the due date you can easily assure the interest free credit card for your good credit ranking. Today all the major credit card companies provide customers with interest free credit cards whether they are Virgin credit card or Egg credit card or even Natwest credit card accompanied with additional offers.
Any interest free credit card can prove very advantageous for you by many means. This option gives you the chance of balance transfer...