An associate degree is an undergraduate degree that can be earned in 2years. An associate degree program consists of three parts: general education requirements, major requirements, and electives. An associate degree is a 2-year degree given by either Community Colleges or Junior Colleges upon completion of an associate degree program.
The two types of associate degrees offered are the associate of arts degree (A.A.) and the associate of applied science degree (A.A.S.). The tuition for associate degree programs at community colleges is typically much less than at a four-year college or university, even a public one. Taking this in to consideration, many students choose to attend a two-year college and enroll in one of the many associate degree programs as a way of lowering the cost of getting a bachelor’s degree.
It is important to make sure that the associate degree programs you are considering are fully accredited and the associate degree units you earn transferable. The best way to verify if associate degree programs are accredited is to ask major universities if they would recognize an associate degree from that college or online program.
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