Car auctions are a popular way to buy and sell cars, in particular, cars selling at car auctions generally sell for much less than at a garage or a local car trading store. This is why many people around the world turn to car auctions to buy and sell cars.
Having been to many car auctions ourselves, we have decided to offer a guideline as to what goes on at the car auctions and what a person can expect once they arrive.
There are generally four parts to a car auction and there is no difference for the Chicago car auction. Basically, what happens is firstly, there is a testing period of the auction. This part of the auction normally happens well before the auction, normally, this part happens the day before the actual auction where the cars are sold. This gives the people bidding an opportunity to test drives the vehicles being sold.
After the test drive
Once the test drive part of the auction is over with, it will be the next day and it will be time for the bidding part of the auction to commence. During this part of the Chicago car auction, you will be offered the chance to bid on the cars being sold. Stay in your budget however, you can en up...