For every individual some moment comes when it seems logical to ask if that is what they want to do till the rest of their days. Indeed, according to the statistics, 25% of those involved in various industries have no interest in what they manufacture or produce or sell. The truth is that no one will be successful in the field where he or she has no interest. This can also bring a person into a state of depression and keep her down till he or she resigns. When you start regressing and loosing interest towards your job, its high time to start thinking about changing qualifications and searching for other job.
What are the ways to determine your possibilities and abilities? First of all, listen to your calling. What was your sacred desire when you were a high-school student? Even if the realization of the idea is not possible, still there are relevant ways to become closer to the sphere of your dreams. You can also turn to an agency and specialists will help you to determine the field you should work at. There is a great number of tests that can determine your abilities that lye whether in analytical sphere or in creative direction. Even if you do not wish to visit the...