What Can You Do to Help The Environment When You Travel
While traveling for business or pleasure try to minimize your impact on the environment.
Whether you are traveling to a conference, important meeting, island retreat or an amusement park, you can be conscious of your impact on the environment. Here are some green traveling tips to help you have a fun and eco-friendly trip.
Planning your trip:
Look for hotel accommodations and tours that carry environmental friendly certifications or memberships in green industry associations – such as Green Seal or Green Leaf.
Several organizations have developed standards to measure the environmental initiatives of hotels and tours. Standards vary depending on the organization; however, green hotels and tours include reducing energy consumption through fluorescent lighting, instituting recycling programs, conserving water either through installation of energy star products or by asking patrons to reuse towels and by purchasing local organic foods. When hotels and tours meet these standards, they are certified as green.
Select a hotel close to public transportation or near the places...