If you are suffering from bad breath, it will have an effect on your personal life as well as your professional life. The majority of people would not come right up to you and tell you that you have bad breath; they will just gossip about you to others behind your back. It might be an upsetting reality when you have bad breath. But what exactly is bad breath cause?
General Bad Breath Cause
Many people have the worst breath in the morning when they first wake up. You will be all right for couple of hours after you brush, but as the day progresses, the unpleasant odor of bad breath will slowly come back into your mouth and make the others you deal with cringe.
From time to time bad breath cause is situational. It might be you realize your breath as soon as you have eaten a meal that is full of garlic or onions. It may be that your breath smells like smoke from cigarettes or cigars. one more bad breath cause that is considered situational is alcoholic beverages.
Another bad breath cause could be occasional. Many people use gums, sprays and other types of breath fresheners to hide the results of halitosis. This is another name that is given...