Most women never satisfy with their shape and size even though some of them have a perfect body already. Our demand for beauty never ends. If you are thinking along the lines of having cosmetic surgery for your problem, remember that some size and shape differences are normal and while breast implants will increase the size, they wont correct basic shape and form defects. It is possible to have other forms of corrective surgery for that.
The breast implant operation is carried out under general anesthetic and involves the insertion of the implant by means of a small incision under the breast, the armpit or even the belly-button area. The implant is made of silicone that is filled with a saline solution. The shape is based on the individual needs of the patient.
Gynecomastia can be corrected by cosmetic surgery. This condition is affecting 40/60 percent of men in the USA, where fatty deposits due usually to an inherited factor cause enlarged breasts. This is called Liposculpture surgery and is a fairly recent development that will restore a thinner, more masculine contour to the chest.
It is a must that the patient-after-surgery should wear a snug-fitting...