It’s no secret that men and women are different. It is no news that they look for different things in a relationship. They all want different things, different men for their different personalities. What do women want from men? There are as many answers as there are types of women: young, old, fat, skinny, talkative, quiet, beautiful, not so beautiful.
One thing that is clear is that everyone looks for a perfect relationship. Men are remarkable by their caution and carefulness. Women though are much more fussy. When it comes to choosing men, they not only have a greater list of requirements, they’re also keen to make the effort to help the guy change. But despite their striving for talking things through, most men still struggle to understand exactly what women need to be happy with them.
What do women want? They just want to be happy like us. They just have a different way to show it. If you learn their language, listen when you d rather speak, hug instead of just walking away, tell the truth till it hurts, be a man she can depend on and love her like you love yourself. Youll no longer ask what women want, theyll be asking you what you want and give...