What Do You Mean You Don’t Have Anything To Write About?
One of the questions Im repeatedly asked is how to use article marketing when youre not a writer and dont have anything to write about. If you say you have nothing to write about, I think youre wrong. Im willing to bet you have more topics to write about than you have time. But, here are a few suggestions to help you get over that writers block.
First, dont stare at a blank computer screen waiting for an idea to come to you. Youre probably putting too much pressure on yourself. What I want you to do is first think of your target market. What do they want to know? Take a blank piece of paper or that blank Word document and just start brainstorming. List topics that you think your target market wants to know about. Just keep writing them down.
Here are some examples for you:
If you are a dog trainer, youre going to want to talk about how to housebreak a dog, how to teach a dog to sit, stay, fetch, etc. There are at least four article topics.
If youre a virtual assistant, your target market probably wants to know how a VA will benefit them, the cost savings of a virtual assistant or...