In todays world human life is full of stress and anxiety. There is a seemingly endless struggle to succeed and due to which we most often become oblivious to our health, appearance etc. While on the one hand we ourselves are reckless in maintenance of our body, on the other hand our environment is getting all the more deteriorated day by day. These primary factors have lead to several skin or derm disorders among individuals.
This article will be making its readers acquainted with some of the common and harmful skin disorders along with the manner in which they are caused and can be effectively cured.
1.Eczema- a very general skin disease that leads to skin irritation, dryness, itching and even cracking of skin with bleeding. Eczema is known to be of four types. These are Atopic Eczema (can result in scratching of skin and skin infection), Allergic Contact Dermatitis (leads to skin irritation), Irritant Contact Dermatitis (dry and irritant skin esp. hands) and Infantile Seborrhoeic Eczema.
Cause- an individual can be affected by Eczema due to different reasons like heredity, environment, age etc.
The Atopic Eczema is more of heredity...