What does homeschooling mean to me? It has become such an integral part of who we are as a family, that it would be difficult to analyze it separately. It truly has become our way of life.
Homeschooling means I spend more time with my children – all of them, not just the little ones. My older kids attended a “regular” school for several years before we started homeschooling, and I always felt out of touch with what was going on in their lives. We were growing apart, both figuratively and literally. Why has society accepted that parents should want to be with the babies and toddlers, but once the kids reach school age, we’re supposed to prefer to not have them around? I didn’t have children in order to send them off to spend their day with some other adult. I didn’t feel that way when they were born, and I don’t feel that way today. I deeply enjoy each and every one of my children, and I love having them with me every day.
Homeschooling means we are free to discuss our faith openly, and apply it to all areas of life and study. God is not relegated to only Sunday school, or even only Religion class. History is full of...