If you have ever thought that you might need some emergency cash, then you have probably also thought about getting a payday loan. The ads are everywhere – in the mail and online. Now, though, you are wondering if it might be something you can get. Here is what you need to know about getting a payday loan.
One thing you will not need to get a payday loan is a good credit rating. It does not matter what your credit score is and they will not even check it. You could just have declared bankruptcy a week ago and it will not effect your ability to get a payday loan.
You will, however, need to be employed, and you will be required to have been there for at least three months. Besides this, there will also be an interest on how much you make each month – they will look for at least $1,000, possibly $1,500 per month. Your employer may be called to verify your employment there, or you will be asked to fax recent paystubs.
The amount of money that you can borrow will be determined by how much you make, and how many loans you have had. Many pay loan lenders will let you have the first loan for free – no interest. But, then, you may only be able to...