This is not a new age riddle or philosophical question; it is a real problem that millions of people face more frequently that most people realize. It might happen because of a lightning strike or a power spike. YOU could be stolen, corrupted, burnt up, get washed away or just disappear for no apparent reason. YOU are your data, and losing your data could actually be the most terrifying thing that will ever happen to you and believe me, sooner or later it will happen to YOU.
Most of us are knowledge workers (expression made famous by Peter Drucker in 1959), a phrase used to categorize the computer workforce of today. Our daily work tasks are performed using computers and in an incredibly short span this occupational technology was incorporated into our personal lives via the personal computer. No one could have predicted that the PC, which was once purely a business tool, would become a lifestyle enhancer as commonplace or as invaluable as microwave ovens and cable TV.
With the exception of a decreasing non-computer literate senior citizen population, do you know anyone who does not have a PC in their home? Broadband Internet and home networks are a staple of...