A dBm, also referred to as a dBmW, is the notation used for the ratio of power in decibels (dB) to one milliwatt (mW). dBm is commonly used in a variety of ways, but most commonly refers to the power used by radio, fiber optic networks, and microwaves. Furthermore, dBm is also used as a convenient way of measuring the absolute power of something because it can be used to express very small values as well as very large values in a compact and easy to read way.
Because dBm is referenced to the watt, or more specifically, the milliwatt, dBm is a measure of absolute power instead of relative power. A measurement of dBW is referenced to one watt or 1000 mW.
This is a measurement of absolute power despite the decibel being what is known as a dimensionless unit, or a unit that is used to quantify the ration between two different values. Dimensionless units, like the decibel, are used to place a value on something that technically has no physical units. Therefore, dimensionless units are known as pure numbers.
dBm can either have a positive or a negative value depending on the situation. A positive dBm value indicates that there is a gain in power while a negative...