In the French dictionary a giclee (zhee-CLAY) will be defined as meaning to spray or squirt. However others might say “giclee” doesn’t mean “to spray, that “Giclee” isn’t an infinitive and that it is the feminine of a past participle. So if there is some argument over what the term Giclee means I believe that the intention of the term is to define a printed copy of an original artwork. Giclee is basically scanning the artwork and then using that scan to print it out on a special printer. This printer is not the same as a standard desktop inkjet printer, and is much larger. Giclee prints are a little over a meter wide and are often referred to as a knitting machine as they look very similar.
Giclees are produced from digital scans of existing artwork. Also, since many artists now produce only digital art, there is no “original” that can be hung on a wall. Giclees solve that problem, while creating a whole new vibrant digital medium for art.
When printing there are any number of media for example canvas to watercolor paper to transparent acetates. Giclees are better then the traditional lithography...