A computer temperature, as the name clearly states, is the temperature of your computer. This is largely a sum of various devices giving off heat within the system. These can include the hard drives, graphic cards, CD-ROMs, power supplies, and the CPU, which gives off the most heat. The heat from these hardwares can have multiple negative effects on the machine, ultimately decreasing the life span of the computer.
The Origin of the Heat
Most of the heat within your computer comes from what is known as the Joule effect. This is basically when electric energy is transformed into heat energy. The many wires (conductors in this case) within the computer have numerous internal interconnections, and this is exactly where the Joule effect happens: a shock slams the electrons and the conductor ions together, creating a bit of heat energy in the process.
The Negative Effects of a High Temperature
-> A high temperature increases the possibility of a total burnout with one of your hardwares.
-> Also, a high temperature can cause internal circuits within the hardwares to be severely damaged.
-> Reduces the overall life-span of the...