A credit rating is simply someones assessment of how well you would be able to pay back money lent to you. Usually, that someone is a credit reporting agency; however, creditors themselves will also make their own assessment, which is usually based on the score you receive from the credit reporting agencies and is determined by requirements that vary a great deal from one creditor to the next. The largest scoring agency determines your “FICO” score. {http://www.fico.com}
Credit can be established in a number of ways. Perhaps the most common is the opening of a credit card account. In some cases, a secured card (a card that requires you to pay money into an account the creditor controls before you receive a card) may be the way to establish credit initially. You can also use low balance store cards or gas cards that let you prove that you can pay your monthly payments back, before qualifying for a larger balance credit card.
Again, credit is just one persons or one entitys estimation of your ability to repay what you borrow. Once youve established one or more trade lines on your credit, your score will be more directly related to the percentage of...