eSATA is an example of an extension to current serial ATA standards. The main function of eSATA is to make it possible for SATA drives to be attached externally, creating a wider network of functionality by combining the power of each of the drives. Relatively new, eSATA means that it is possible to engage in data transfer and processing much more quickly than with traditional methods of connectivity.
How Does eSATA Work?
The basic idea behind eSATA is make it possible to connect multiple drives without having to employ cables or wired connections of some sort. Traditional methods of connecting the external hard drives relied upon the use of such devices as FireWire or USB cables. eSATA does away with all that and makes it possible to connected several external drives in a very short period of time, without all the work of figuring out which cable will do the job. ESATA is based on established standards and will work every time.
What Are Some of the Advantages of eSATA?
One of the immediate advantages of using eSATA is that the eSATA cables are usually longer and easier to distinguish from the jumble of wiring that is used to connect various...