A fiscal, or financial year (it goes back from exercise or reference of accountancy) is one twelve months period used to calculate (annual) statements of the financial account annual in the companies and other organizations. In much of jurisdictions, the laws of standardization concerning accountancy require of such reports/ratios once by twelve months, but do not require that the twelve months constitute one calendar year (C. – with-D. January to December).
The financial results presented at the shareholders are thus a photograph of the accounts of the company at the date of reference of accountancy. Although September seems to be the most popular month of the end, it must understand that the date of end changes between the companies and the countries. The often tax fiscal year or specifically is established not with the match the calendar year so that the work of end of the year of accountancy does not coincide with periods of strong activity, such as precipitations of purchases of Christmas for retailers, or with periods of holidays when the employees can prefer to take holidays. One year a popular use of not-calendar like financial year makes take part...