Just as you would expect with anyone trading in equities, investors in the Forex market employ strategies to help them invest more successfully. All of these strategies ultimately boil down to one thing: trying to predict which way the currency exchange rates will fluctuate. Predict correctly, up or down, and make a profit while we all know what happens when we are incorrect.
When deciding whether or not to enter or exit a position in the Forex market, there are two basic types of analysis from which to choose: fundamental or technical. Investors who base decisions on fundamental analysis will look at interest rates and the overall economic performance of the nations in the currency pair when deciding when to sell and buy positions. Technical Forex investors will look to trade based on price performance and chart patternsso which is best?
Use of fundamental analysis such as the latest GDP figures may seem like a very logical approach when deciding when to buy or sell a position in the Forex market. After all, we all know that stock prices are affected by economic data so it would stand to reason that the same would hold true for the Forex. However, the...