When we pop into our local supermarkets and buy ‘organic’ vegetables, we believe that we’re buying products that are certified as organic by the Soil Association. This means that the minimum amount of petro chemical, synthetic or unsustainable materials have been used to grow this produce and that we can rest assured that we are making a contribution to a more sustainable future for ourselves and our children.
There are paints that are called ‘organic’. But bewarethe Soil Association, who are the main body responsible for establishing the standards that determine whether a given product is ‘organically’ produced or not, only have standards for three groups of products -foodstuffs, textiles and cosmetics. No other types of product can be called organic. And so it follows that there is no such thing as an ‘organic’ paint.
Virtually all of the paint that we buy in the high street these days is based on an acrylic emulsion…that is to say it is based on a form of plastic derived from petro chemicals. As such, it is made from unsustainable resources and, as it happens, a great deal of pollution is created in...