What Is RSS Feed And How To Get An Unfair Advantage
RSS is THE popular catchphrase, creating waves in todays Internet world. But exactly what is RSS feed ? RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary, and is a very cost effective method to bring your information to your clients and potential clients.
When you as a marketer/businessman/company, decide to promote your business through the marketing strategies of the Internet, its time to take full advantage of this interactive medium. It pays to know what is RSS feed.
RSS has numerous advantages over the other existing methods, to turn it into the most sought-after, powerful, dominant tool, which will take over the Internet world soon.
Beyond just knowing what is RSS feed, this is how RSS can help you:
* Your website is the gold mine of information on how the public respond to what you say. RSS provides an unbelievable platform to discuss the views of the public without wasting time. Instead, you can spend your time on crafting quality contents. RSS has many special features such as dialog facilitators, RSS radars, and automatic responders to enhance the significance of...