For several decades now, researches all over the world have asserted that what goes on in the mind affects the body. Negative thoughts and a negative attitude lead to our feeling low: our heads fall, our shoulders sag, and our breathing becomes shallow. In fact it has been conclusively proved that negative mind trigger off a whole chain of physio-biological reactions, which are designed to make us feel this way.
On the other hand, positive thoughts and positive attitudes make us feel good: our heads are held up, we tend to look up, stand taller, breathe deeper and fuller.
So you see, the body is directly affected by our mental state. But, consider this: recent research reveals that the body also has the capability of affecting the mind. The way you carry yourself, the way you walk, the way you talk, and the way you project your physical self, affects your attitude and mind to a fairly large extent. If you always stand straight, with your chest held out and breathe deeply, chances are that you will be projecting a positive outlook. On the other hand, if your shoulders are dropped, and you have a crouched back, you are probably passing through a rather dull phase....