Nearly half of all college graduates have reported taking out some sort of student loan in order to help finance their education. Since most graduates do take out loans to pay for their college, many are choosing to use student loan consolidation to help relieve their financial burden after graduation. The following paragraphs will take a closer look at what student loan consolidation is, as well as discuss the interest rates associated with student loan consolidation.
Student loan consolidation is the act of combining more than one student loan into one loan, then repay all of the initial student loans with just one monthly payment. Commonly with this is, the monthly payment will be lower than the payments of the combined unconsolidated loans, as well as student loan consolidation rates of interest. You can also chose time limits up to 30 years to repay the new loan. While this is all beneficial thus far, there is one clear disadvantage associated with college loan consolidation.
It is a true fact that you get a longer time period for repayment when you consolidate loans, and most commonly a lower monthly payment, but that means you will be paying back far more...