TargeX is a popular brand of a topical Glycyrrhetinic cream. TargeX is usually applied to reduce fat from specific areas. TargeX users have exhibited significant reduction of fat from areas of application. It is often used in combination with a proper diet, training, and cardio.
TargeX is the medication that has the incredible ability to reduce the thickness of subcutaneous fat. The chemical which helps doing this is Glaycyrrhetinic acid which is the chief ingredient in TargeX. Glaycyrrhetinic acid is basically found in licorice and it often applied to skin, it helps to reduce the thickness of subcutaneous fat.
Cortisol, the catabolic hormone mediates the mechanism of action. The hormone, Cortisol is responsible for both the distribution as well as the deposition of fat. The activity of an enzyme which Glycyrrhetinic acid (the active ingredient in Targex) blocks regulates the hormone, Cortisol. Consequently, the ability of cortisol to regulate fat cells gets reduced, which further results in an overall loss of body fat. The effect is clearly visible at the area on the body where the cream is applied.
Several researchers conducted a study to evaluate the...