Textual advertising is a paid assortment of announcements which appear on the first pages of results in search engines (Google, Yahoo, Overture, etc.). They have recently become an important consideration when marketing a companys web site in NY. The times the advertisement appears depends on the keywords and web design chosen by the website marketer, in addition to appearing as text rather than a graphic or banner. Therefore, such advertising is referred to as “textual”.
It is a rather new kind of advertising on the Internet. However, the market for textual advertising is constantly expanding, and the sales volume generated through search engines increasing. There are many advantages which have made textual advertising attractive in advertisers opinion.
First, as opposed to other kinds of Internet advertising, for example banner displays, your announcements are shown only to those customers who search for products or services similar to yours. For example, my firm could select keywords such as web site design and marketing in New York, NY, so that the advertisements appear only when potential clients enter a combination of those keywords in the...