The amount of space you have available to you will greatly influence your type and style of garden. If you live in a rural area and are lucky enough to have a large garden you will be able to divide up the space and create different areas for different types of garden. If on the other hand you live in a city centre and only have a small area, then your choices are greatly reduced.
Another point to consider is the amount of free time you have available to maintain your garden. If you have a demanding job or a large family to take care off you may find that trying to cope with a large intricate garden to much to cope with. Large flower gardens for instance can be very time consuming to maintain and to keep them looking their best, as many flowering plants need continual dead-heading to prolong their flowering period.
Your fitness level may also influence the type and style of your garden. If you have heart problems or breathing difficulties for instance, you probably wouldn’t want to be digging over a large vegetable plot each year. If you are confined to a wheel chair or suffer with back problems then you may need to consider having raised beds that you can...