The “Voice Over Internet Protocol” telephone system is one of the modes of telecommunication via internet. The abbreviated form of “Voice Over Internet Protocol” is VOIP. It is a form of advanced computer technology that has affected the telephone systems.
Voice Over Internet Protocol
Actually, there are three different types of VOIP services. The most commonly used service for business purposes is the VOIP service processed by using an “Analog Telephone Adapter” which is also known as ATA. It is the simplest type of VOIP service as ATA permits the use of a standard phone and it does not require any specifically designed IP phones that are generally used in other types of VOIP services.
ATA functions by transforming the analog signals into a set of digital packets. These packets are forwarded to the broadband internet connection and are apportioned to the apt and appropriate telephone exchange for the call to get completed.
How The Use Of VOIP Phones Is Advantageous In Business
The VOIP telephone service has been gaining popularity tremendously, especially, in the field of businesses. The VOIP service...