As you know there are several types of life insurance, and one of those types is called whole life. Whole life insurance is a life insurance policy that pays a lump sum on death. In some cases, it may also pay if a diagnosis of a critical illness is detected in the policyholder.
Whole life policies can vary a great deal when it comes to the way they are paid out. In some policies, the payout can be a fixed sum of money that has been decided on at the time the policy is started. In other cases, the payout may be dependent on investment performance after mortality costs and other expenses are deducted.
Within the arena of whole life polices, the timing and the amount of the premiums may vary as well. In some policies the premiums are paid at regular intervals such as monthly or every six months and the premium amount is fixed. In other cases, the premium amount will vary according to how the insurance investment is performing.
Whole life can also have a lot of flexibility in how it is bought and used. For example, some policies allow for the payout over a specified period of time, such as ten years. Once this period is over, the policyholder can continue...