What role does your credit report play in your life? In case you apply for some sort of a loan, how do you think the lender would judge you? The lender simply checks your credit report which reflects all your credit history along with your credit score. Things do not just end there. The rate of interest decided by the lender on which he will lend you money is also decided on the basis of your previous transactions that reflect in your credit report. Having a bad credit report and credit score can be a sure shot reason for ant one not to trust you for further dealings.
Importance of credit report:
You must always keep a close watch on your credit report keeping in view the effect it has on your life. A person with bad credit report may possibly bear the expenses of not maintaining it and on the other hand, a person who has well maintained it can get much more credit than he otherwise can. A good credit report clearly puts up a faith in your credibility.
The credit report must be checked thoroughly. One should not just rely on one of the bureaus and get regular statements from all the three agencies Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. In case you find anything...