Need a loan? Probably at some point in your life you will. If not now, perhaps later. Maybe you want a car, a house, a credit card. Cars use leases, houses use mortgages. Leases, mortgages, and credit cards are all types of loans. And when you want to get one of those things, youll need to have a good credit rating.
Perhaps you have a good credit report or perhaps you have a bad one. Every one has a different rating based on their credit history. Whatever yours is, thats going to affect your future loans. So you should take steps now to make sure its as good as you can make it.
Want to own a car or a house? Youll need a loan, and to get a loan you have to get your credit checked. One thing that you will be surprised about is how many credit reports out there have big mistakes on them. Does yours?
If you are not sure, you need to find out right away. You need to get a copy of your credit report every 12 months and check it thoroughly. Why? Because mistakes can happen, and they do happen all the time.
Why do mistakes happen all the time? The answer is actually fairly simple. Often it’s just a matter of human error. Perhaps they accidentally...