Building and decorating a bird house is something that parents and kids can do together. It is relatively cheap and can provide hours of entertainment even after the project is completed. Finches fly in a more exaggerated roller coaster pattern while woodpeckers fly in a more moderate rise and fall pattern. Then there are birds like Sharp-shinned Hawks, Cooper’s Hawks, and Northern Goshawks that make several wing flaps which are followed by a long glide, whereas a Red Tailed Hawk can usually be seen soaring.
Here is a feature that is often overlooked: bird-proof door locks. You should get a cage that your bird can’t escape from. Just think about what would happen if your bird escaped & was free the entire day while you’re out!
But on the other hand, a carefully cared for, high quality powder-coated bird cage can last 10+ years. So what makes a cage simple to clean?
You may find that perhaps only a few species actually inhabit that particular area. With a little preparation, you will be able to more readily identify bird species from each other. Keep a list of successfully viewed species well call this tip number two and a half....