What Kind of Lawyer to Hire in a Case of Medical Malpractice
Though there are many factors in choosing a good attorney in a medical malpractice case, one of the trickiest is whether to choose a lawyer who works on contingency, that is, on contingency of a recover, or one who charges by work on an hourly basis.
In medical malpractice cases, people are probably most familiar with a lawyer who works on a contingency basis. As he will describe it to you, this means he doesnt get paid unless you actually collect a judgment or settlement.
Though this is an attractive option to those strapped for cash, it should be noted that such an attorney is highly motivated to make a settlement as large as possible and may make decisions that will be in his best interest rather than yours. For instance, youre interested in suing the doctor who failed to set your leg properly. Your contingency fee lawyer however may look at the doctor who is just out of medical school, swamped in educational debt, and who owns about 0% of the practice and wonder whats really in it for him.
What happens next, is the lawyer starts asking about the accident. So you slipped on the...