What Secure Loans Are And How You Can Get One
If you have tried for both secure and unsecured loans and been turned down there are other options. You can secure loans with someone elses collateral, good credit and signature. These are called cosigned loans.
You should consider, however, if this inability for you to secure loans on your own might not mean its time to improve your credit standing rather than time to borrow more money. Might you not be financially in over your head if the bank thinks you are not going to be able to pay the loan back yourself?
Instead of a co signing you could, for example, ask if they could lend you a lesser amount on your own. In fact, unless you absolutely cannot put off borrowing the original amount consider making that purchase until you can do something to improve your credit or pay cash for the purchase.
The best thing to do, no matter what your final decision is to ask the lender what you should do to change its attitude towards letting you secure loans on your own. Once you know what that bank is looking for, follow that advice.
There are generally two reasons that a financial institution wont let you...