The Larry Rule – Is Applying for Store Credit Cards Bad for Your Credit?
Larry Lindsey is probably not a name that you know, but he is an important figure in the history of personal finance. Currently, Mr. Lindsey is President Bush’s chief domestic economic advisor. Prior to that, he was a Federal Reserve Board Governor. But neither of these distinctions are what make Larry Lindsey significant. Instead, it was a little incident at Toys ‘R Us that gave birth to “The Larry Rule.”
The Larry Rule – What No Retail Clerk Will Ever Tell You
In 1996, Larry Lindsey was a Federal Reserve Board Governor. While it isn’t known for sure, it’s probably safe to assume that Mr. Lindsey was then, and is now, a millionaire. An even safer assumption is that he always paid his bills on time and should have had a top-notch credit score. After all, he was a member of the most prestigious financial committee in the world, and his personal credit history was undoubtedly vetted by politicians and regulators before he could be appointed to the Fed.
Despite all of this, Mr. Lindsey was denied a store credit card – at Toys...